Git 的实际应用
- 总得有个版本是可用的
- 总能回到思路清晰的时候
- 要能追溯到变更的过程
- 多人协作避免冲突
- 可以检查合并的代码
Git 的基本概念和功能
- 本地和远端
- 初始化 init
- 提交 commit
- 拉取 pull
- 推送 push
- 分支 branch,如同泳道
- 标签 tag
- 发布 release
- 暂存 stash
- 变基 rebase
- 合并 merge
- 关键的区别:
- merge vs rebase
- FF or conflict
- 详细见网文:
- git branch -d aaa/bbb/xxx
- git clone / git pull
- git checkout -b new-feature
- git add ./-A
- git commit -m “I create a new feature.”
- git push -u origin new-feature
- apply a pull request wait for code review.
- if have conflict, should resolve it like this:
- git rebase/merge master
- resolve all conflict locally.
- git commit -m “merge/rebase them all”
- git push
- remote code review and merged.
- git checkout master.
- git pull
- git branch -d new-feature. —> loop to first step and run new round.