Digital Garden

源自以下文章的启发: [[#idea|tag.idea]]

重新思考“博客”的概念和定位,确实不应该把个人网站当作博客来看,每篇文章都要精心打磨,有些麻烦,作者的思考是把它当作“数字花园”,我也有同感的,就象我在 Dendron 里记录了很多东西,但在博客上并没有发布多少。 看作博客,随着时间推移,就会让人发布得越来越少。

关联阅读: [[#second-brain|tag.second-brain]]


This concept is focused on behavior and habits first, rather than tools, and consists of 4 universal steps called CODE.

这个概念首先关注的是行为和习惯,而不是工具,它由4个通用步骤组成,称为 CODE。

C (Collect 收集记录)

Your second brain needs a place to collect all the things that resonates with you, from an online article to your grocery list, through reliable tools like to-do list apps, web clipper, note-taking apps, and more.


O (Organize 组织整理)

Collecting things is easy but then you need to organize and structure them. Tiago uses a system called PARA to organize his content in 4 different categories:

收集东西很容易,但是你需要组织和安排它们。蒂亚戈使用了一个叫 PARA 的系统,将他的内容分为四类:

Projects: series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline.

项目: 与一个目标相关的一系列任务,有截止日期。

Areas: spheres of activity with a standard to be maintained over time.

领域: 需要长期维持的标准活动领域。

Resources: topics or themes of ongoing interest.

资源: 持续关注的主题或主题。

Archives: inactive items from the other three categories.

档案: 其他三个类别的不活动项目。

See: [[P.A.R.A.|learn.dendron.PARA]]

D (Distill 提取精华)

Capturing and saving notes usually leads to large collections of information, but the more notes you keep, the more crucial it is to keep an effective summary of them in order to be able to immediately grasp the meaning of them. Through progressive summarization, you’ll be able to get the core of your notes.


E (Express 表达分享)

Once you’ve collected and organized all your notes and information, you should consider sharing what you’ve learned with the world. Otherwise, hoarding information without putting them out there in the world would be pointless.


Progressive Summarization

摘自原文: Progressive Summarization: A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes

what you read is good and useful and very important, you’re just reading it at the wrong time.

Use Progressive Summarization to create easy-to-review notes


I propose we make the design of individual notes the primary factor, instead of tags or notebooks.

With a note-first approach, your notes become like individual atoms — each with its own unique properties, but ready to be assembled into elements, molecules, and compounds that are far more powerful.


A note-first approach to knowledge management means we have to think about design. You are, in a very real sense, designing a product for a demanding customer — Future You.

In the case of notes, I believe the two priorities we are trying to balance are discoverability and understanding.

Making a note discoverable involves making it small, simple, and easy to digest. We accomplish this using compression: creating highly condensed summaries, without all the fluff.

But we also want to make our notes understandable. This involves including all the context: the details, the examples, and cited sources to be sure nothing falls through the cracks.


To communicate anything, you have to compress it, like communicating a huge amount of life experience in a wise saying. But in doing so, you lose a lot of the context that made that wisdom valuable in the first place.

Getting the balance between compression and context right is not a trivial matter. When the time comes for Future You to decide whether or not to review this note, seconds count. Because Future You will likely be looking for a solution to a problem, not casual reading, they will be making snap decisions on a tight timeline. Faced with a wall of text of questionable value, they are unlikely to take the risk of committing time for review.


This means that all the summarizing work your Past Self did on this note is wasted. It didn’t pay off back then, and it doesn’t pay off in the future. You successfully sent a packet of information forward through time, but not in a state where it could survive the journey.



“How do I make what I’m consuming right now easily discoverable for my future self?”


Progressive Summarization works in “layers” of summarization.

  • Layer 0 is the original, full-length source text.
  • 第0层是原始的,全长的源文本。
  • Layer 1 is the content that I initially bring into my note-taking program. I don’t have an explicit set of criteria on what to keep. I just capture anything that feels insightful, interesting, or useful.
  • 第一层是我最初带入笔记程序的内容。关于保留什么,我没有一套明确的标准。我只是捕捉任何感觉有洞察力、有趣或者有用的东西。
  • Layer 2 is the first round of true summarization, in which I bold only the best parts of the passages I’ve imported. Again, I have no explicit criteria. I look for keywords, key phrases, and key sentences that I feel represent the core or essence of the idea being discussed.
  • 第二层是第一轮真正的总结,其中我只加粗了我导入的文章中最好的部分。同样,我没有明确的标准。我寻找关键词、关键短语和重点句子,我觉得这些代表了正在讨论的想法的核心或本质。
  • For Layer 3, I switch to highlighting, so I can make out the smaller number of highlighted passages among all the bolded ones. This time, I’m looking for the “best of the best,” only highlighting something if it is truly unique or valuable. And again, I’m only adding this third layer when I’m already reviewing the note anyway.
  • 对于第三层,我切换到高亮显示,这样我就可以在所有粗体文字中分辨出高亮显示的段落数量较少。这一次,我正在寻找“最好的中的最好的”,只有当它真正独特或有价值的时候才会突出显示。再说一次,我只是在复习笔记的时候添加了第三层。
  • For Layer 4, I’m still summarizing, but going beyond highlighting the words of others, to recording my own. For a small number of notes that are the most insightful, I summarize layers 2 and 3 in an informal executive summary at the top of the note, restating the key points in my own words.
  • 对于第四层,我仍然在总结,但超越了突出别人的话,记录我自己的。对于一小部分最有见地的笔记,我在笔记顶部的非正式执行摘要中总结了第二层和第三层,并用我自己的话重申了要点。
  • And finally, for a tiny minority of sources, the ones that are so powerful and exciting I want them to become part of how I think and work immediately, I remix them. After pulling them apart and dissecting them from every angle in layers 1–4, I add my own personality and creativity and turn them into something else.
  • 最后,对于一小部分资源,那些如此强大和令人兴奋的资源,我希望它们成为我如何立即思考和工作的一部分,我重新混合它们。在把它们分开并从各个角度分解到第1-4层之后,我添加了我自己的个性和创造力,并把它们变成了别的东西。

Progressive Summarization

This could include a blog post interpreting, critiquing, or extending the argument an author is making, such as in Strategically Constrained, The Inner Game of Work, and Supersizing the Mind.


But it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. It could even be…(gasp) fun! Making a sketch, designing a slide, recording a short video on your phone, and sharing on social media are all forms of wrestling deeply with information.


Examples and Metaphors 例证与隐喻

With Progressive Summarization, we are summarizing our notes, and then summarizing that summary, then summarizing that summary, distilling the ideas into smaller and smaller layers each time.


With these layers exposed, we can do a flyby in the “airplane of discoverability,” quickly scanning the peaks, to decide if this mountain has anything to do with what we’re looking for.



But we’ve also preserved all the layers in context, so if we see a peak that looks promising, we can dive right in with our “parachute of understanding,” drilling down as deep as we need to:



Progressive Summarization is really a method for creating value in an environment of uncertainty. You do concrete, relatively easy work now instead of speculative, difficult work for later. You pull time-consuming, but risk-free activities (reading, highlighting, summarizing) as early in time as possible, and push quick but risky activities (execution, decision making, delivery) as far into the future as possible. This way, you have all the ammunition you need ready and waiting at a moment’s notice, while waiting until the eve of battle to decide which target to attack.

渐进式总结实际上是一种在不确定环境中创造价值的方法。你现在做的是具体的、相对容易的工作,而不是投机的,以后做的是困难的工作。你尽可能及早地完成耗时但无风险的活动(阅读、突出、总结) ,并尽可能将快速但有风险的活动(执行、决策、交付)推向未来。这样,你已经准备好了所有你需要的弹药,等待一个时刻的通知,同时等待直到战斗前夕决定攻击哪个目标。


If you follow the simple rule of summarizing a note every time you touch it, you’ll organically create a collection where the layers of summarization correspond to how integral that note is to your work. You can see at a glance how important a note is, without reading a word, just by how many layers it contains. Projects that fall apart won’t be as traumatic, because you’ll have lots of notes you summarized and packaged along the way. Once again, you get all the benefits of planning and organization, while spending virtually no time planning or organizing.



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