JavaScript library

  • SVG.js The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG.
  • Bonsai A lightweight graphics library with an intuitive graphics API and an SVG renderer.
  • Snap.svg The JavaScript SVG library for the modern web

Draw library


  • Gravit Designer 一款跨平台的设计工具,可以在 AppStore 中直接下载。新发现的,感觉不错,强烈推荐,需要英文门槛。 参考:欢迎来到设计利器Gravit Designer的世界
  • Omber 可制作图形和色彩渐变效果的工具,可在 AppStore 中直接下载。
  • Inkscape Draw Freely. 自油自画。跨系统,Linux 上也是首选。缺点:需要先安装XQuartz
  • Vectr is a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It’s a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality. 可以在 AppStore 中直接下载。
  • macSVG An open-source macOS app for designing HTML5 SVG art and animation. Github repo
  • Calligra part of the KDE community.
  • GlipsSvgEditor An open source SVG graphics editor and a SCADA HMI editor. 似乎是(SCADA(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)系统,即数据采集与监视控制系统。)专业领域的画图工具,界面粗糙。
  • LaTeXDraw is a graphical drawing editor for LaTeX. LaTeXDraw can be used to 1) generate PSTricks code; 2) directly create PDF or PS pictures. LaTeXDraw is developed in Java and thus runs on top of Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. You need Java 8 to launch LaTeXDraw.
  • VectorPaint Draw SVG online. 在线绘制工具。