14 题以前答案一般没啥区别,略过……


#(* % 2)

adereth’s solution:

* 2


format "Hello, %s!"

adereth’s solution:

#(str "Hello, " % "!")


'(6 7 8)

adereth’s solution:

[6 7 8]


'(6 7)

adereth’s solution:

'(6 7)


#(peek (vec %))

adereth’s solution:

(comp first reverse)


#(nth (reverse %) 1)

adereth’s solution:

(comp second reverse)


(fn getn [ary n]
  (if (= n 0)
    (first ary)
    (getn (rest ary) (dec n))))

adereth’s solution:

#(first (drop %2 %1))


#(reduce (fn [a b] (inc a)) 0 %)

adereth’s solution:

(fn [sequence] (reduce (fn [acc v] (inc acc)) 0 sequence))


#(reduce (fn [rs ls] (cons ls rs)) [] %)

adereth’s solution:

(fn [s]
  (loop [result []
         s s]
    (if (seq s)
      (recur (concat [(first s)] result) (rest s))


#(reduce + %)

adereth’s solution:

apply +


#(filter odd? %)

adereth’s solution:

filter odd?


#(take % ((fn fib [a b]
            (lazy-seq (cons a (fib b (+ b a))))) 1 1))

adereth’s solution:

#(take %
  (map first
    (iterate (fn [[i1 i2]]
      [i2 (+ i1 i2)])
      [1 1])))


#(clojure.string/replace % #"[^A-Z]" "")

adereth’s solution:

(fn [s] (reduce str (filter #(Character/isUpperCase %) s)))


#(= (reverse %) (seq %))


(defn cci [ls r]
  (if (every? sequential? ls)
    (concat r ls)
    (apply cci r (partition-by sequential? ls))))

#(let [f (first %)]
  (if (sequential? f)
  conj [] (first %))


#((fn dis [ss l r]
    (if-let [f (first ss)]
      (let [rss (rest ss)]
      	(if (= l f)
        	(dis rss f r)
        	(dis rss f (conj r f))))
      r)) % nil [])
#((fn dis [ss l r]
    (let [[f & s] ss]
        (nil? f) r
        (= l f) (dis s f r)
        :else (dis s f (conj r f))))) % nil [])

adereth’s solution:

#(map first (partition-by identity %))


#(mapcat (fn [s] [s s]) %)


#((fn rng [s n r]
    (if (< s n)
      (rng (inc s) n (conj r s))
      r)) %1 %2 [])

adereth’s solution:

(fn [start end] (take-while #(< % end)
                            (iterate inc start)






(fn [& s] (reduce (fn mx [a b] (if (> a b) a b)) s))

adereth’s solution:

(fn [ & xs ]
  (reduce #(if (> %1 %2) %1 %2) xs))


(fn l [a b & r]
  (if (or (nil? (first a)) (nil? (first b)))
    (flatten r)
    (l (rest a) (rest b) (conj (vec r) (first a) (first b)))))

adereth’s solution:

(fn [s1 s2]
  (flatten (map list s1 s2)))


(fn [x ys] (butlast (flatten (map #(list % x) ys))))

adereth’s solution:

#(butlast (interleave %2 (repeat %1)))


(fn [ls n]
  (keep-indexed #(if (> (mod (inc %1) n) 0) %2) ls))

adereth’s solution:

(fn [coll n]
  (->> (partition-all n coll)
       (map (partial take (dec n)))


#((fn factorial [n r]
  (if (= n 1) r (factorial (dec n) (* n r)))) % 1)

adereth’s solution:

#(reduce * (range 1 (inc %)))




[c e]


'(5 4 3 2 1)


(fn fb ([f b] (lazy-seq (cons b (fb f (f b))))))

aceeca1’s solution:

(fn [f x] (reductions #(%2 %1) x (repeat f)))


  1. fn 给命名 name? 后也可以递归;
  2. lazy-seq 适合做无限循环递归的懒序列;
  3. reductions 可以将一个数组通过某个方法做 reduce 结果为一个懒序列;




(fn [a b]
  (let [m (min a b)
        d (fn [a b m]
              (and (= 0 (mod a m))
                   (= 0 (mod b m))))
        r (fn o [a b m] 
               (if (d a b m)
                 (o a b (dec m))))]
    (r a b m)))

astangl’s solution:

  [x y]
  (if (= 0 y)
      (recur y (mod x y))))


  1. recur 可以递归 fn 这样的匿名函数;
  2. (mod x y) 当 x < y 时,返回 x ,也就是说 x/y 得 0 余 x;
  3. 最大公约数 w 一定也可以除尽 (mod x y) 的余数;


'(7 6 5 4 3)

adereth’s solution:

[7 6 5 4 3]




apply +

adereth’s solution:

#(reduce + %)


(fn [a b] (reduce #(if (contains? a %2) (conj %1 %2) %1) #{} b))

aceeca1’s solution:

(comp set filter)
  • 学到的经验:#{} set 是可以当做 contains 方法来 filter 的。


(fn [a b] (map #(Integer/parseInt(str %)) (str (* a b))))

aceeca1’s solution:

(comp (partial map #(- (int %) 48)) str *)
  • 学到的经验:可以组合几个方法,或者用 -» 语法串联方法



(fn [n] #(reduce * (repeat n %)))


#(= nil (get %2 %1 0))

adereth’s solution:

#(nil? (get %2 % true))


[1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37]


#(apply merge (map (fn [k] {k %1}) %2))
#(apply array-map (mapcat (fn [k] [k %1]) %2))

adereth’s solution:

(fn [default values] (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 default) {} values))


#{1 2}



Another solution

Solutions to 4Clojure Easy Problems


(fn [n] #(reduce * (repeat n %)))


#(= nil (get %2 %1 0))

adereth’s solution:

#(nil? (get %2 % true))


[1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37]


#(apply merge (map (fn [k] {k %1}) %2))
#(apply array-map (mapcat (fn [k] [k %1]) %2))

adereth’s solution:

(fn [default values] (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 default) {} values))


#{1 2}



Another solution

Solutions to 4Clojure Easy Problems