
原文摘抄自: (可能因墙访问不了……我是在邮件列表中收集的)



Given a simple action:【简单给一个action如下:】

    public static void testAction() {
      session.put("worked", "yes");

I want to test that the session is set:【我试着测试这个session是否被设置:】

  public void setsTheSession() {
    Response response = GET("/test");
    assertEquals("yes", Scope.Session.current().get("worked"));

But Scope.Session.current() always returns an empty map. Any clues?



I don’t think that works because you are not in the context of a server request when in a test. You are just acting as a regular browser making a GET request.
If you want to set a cookie from a Controller you do this:
response.setCookie("mycookie", "myvalue", "1d");{java}
Then in your test you can do:

Http.Response response = GET("/home/cookie");
assertEquals("myvalue", response.cookies.get("mycookie").value);

For sessions you should take a look at this first:

“It’s important to understand that Session and Flash data are not stored in the server but are added to each subsequent HTTP Request, using the Cookie mechanism. So the data size is very limited (up to 4 KB) and you can only store String values.”
They are of course signed so they can’t be changed. If I write session.put(“testcookie”, “brian”) I get this in the response header:
【它们当然是被加密的,所以你不能修改。如果我写session.put(“testcookie”, “brian”),那么我将在response的header中得到:】

This makes the job of testing actual session variables a little harder. I haven’t seen anything in the test code that does this for you. You have to go back to the play code to decode the session cookie to check for what you originally wanted to do. The function in playframework\framework\src\play\mvc\ restore() isn’t accessible so it looks like you have to either use reflection of some sort to call it or write your own session parse function like this (uses the secret from the application.conf to decode):
【这使得在测试中使用session值变得有点困难。我在测试的代码中没找到什么可以帮你做这件事的办法。你必须回到Play!的代码去解码那个session cookie以便得到原本的值。这个方法就在playframework\framework\src\play\mvc\ restore()是不可访问的,所以可能你只好使用类似反射的方法去调用它或者照着写一个你自己的session parse 方法(使用application.conf中的secret码来解码),参考:】

Then you can assert your session code pretty much as you were doing:

public void setsTheSession() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
   Http.Response response = GET("/home/cookie");
   Scope.Session session = parseSession(response.cookies.get("PLAY_SESSION").value);
   assertEquals("yes", session.get("worked"));

On a side note I have switched my functional tests to JWebUnit using the HtmlUnit driver. It has more assert helpers, xpath html parsing and uses rhino for js parsing
… but alas you still have to “decode” the PLAY_SESSION either way.
【另,我已经将我的functional test转到使用HtmlUnit driver的JWebUnit了。它有更多的校验工具,xpath的html解析工具和rhino的js解析工具等……当然,你还是可以使用”decode”去处理PLAY_SESSION的问题。】

个人建议:在Play!中最好还是只做Model层的单元测试即可,在Controller层中尽量少写业务逻辑代码,方法都往Model层集中,如果项目需要可加上Selenium的Web测试就足够了,实际感觉Functional Test有点鸡肋,不用也罢!

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